Quin Anthony Moody

Oct 22, 2011 |
Home Birth Stories,  |
Kellie Moeller, CNM |

I had a wonderful pregnancy, painful with pelvis and hip problems but wonderful. I had a couple of bouts of false labor this pregnancy that I didn't with the girls.

It was quite a tease. I thought because of this he would have come earlier than he did, but he had his own agenda. Lets start the story on October 22nd I was having a bout of false labor contractions were coming but I had stopped timing because it was driving me crazy :). I went to bed around 9 and woke up at 12:30 to pee, but when I climbed into bed I was WIDE awake. Tech was playing OU. So I decided to get up and watch the game hoping for an upset....and got it OU SUCKS :) Craig ended up coming home a little early around 1 am so stayed up with him for an hour or two and decided to go to bed....I was still having contractions and figured if I actually went in labor I was going to need my rest. Woke up with the girls and when everyone was awake we decided to take the girls to Space Center Houston. I was still having contractions but not painful and not regular. When we got home Craig got ready for work and I started noticing my contractions, slight cramping, but as this had happened before bushes it off. Went to Jan and Tony's for dinner still contracting, still not convinced. I had a pretty strong contractions in the Kitchen that got Jan's attention...I hadn't mentioned anything to them about having any i still thought it was false. I told her I was fine and it was the same as the last false alarm. Around 6:30 I was still having contractions and felt the urge to go home...but was uncomfortable enough to ask Jan to come with to help get the girls in bed....I'm glad I did :) Craig kept checking on me and urged me to let Kellie,my midwife, know what was going on, but I didn't want to bother her with another false run....about 7 that changed. I decided to just call and see what she thought.

She advised me to get in the bath and start timing to see what they did and told me if they got stronger to call her. I sat in the bath for 30 min and they were coming 2-3 min apart so I called to let her know and told her I though they might be getting stronger. She talked with me on the phone and listened through my contractions and asked if I thought I should call Craig...and I asked if she thought I was in labor, she responded well let's see how the next several contractions are. Couple more contraction and I told her I thought I needed to call Craig. She told me to call him and call her back. I called still kinda leery that I was actually in labor but told him I thought he needed to come home. He was on his way. I called Kellie back a little frantic, and to be honest scared. She said she was on her sounded like I needed her help. I had to get out of the was too restricting I used the bathroom and at 8:30ish is when I realized OMG I'M IN LABOR. Kellie advised me to get in the shower to help with the pain. While I'm laboring in the shower, Jan put Lexi to bed and was doing her best to distract Kendal. I was now being a little vocal with my contractions. I called to Jan to please call Craig...I needed him. It was of course raining (hasn't in mths) and he was about 5 minutes away. I got back in the shower and tried to accept the contractions and let my body work. Craig runs in the bathroom asking me if I was pushing....he was worried that with all the false labor I would wait too long thinking it was false and no one would be here when I delivered him. He quickly started filling the birth tub and Kellie arrived. She started setting things up and I got in the tub. It truly is natures epidural.

The next person to arrive is Pam, the birth assistant. I labored in the tub with Kellie, Pam, and Craig sitting on the floor next to the tub, dim lighting, Pandora radio on in the was amazing. I asked to be checked to see my progress and Kellie calmly said no, it wouldn't matter in the progression of things and didn't want me to be disappointed if I wasn't as far along as I thought I should be. She was hands off but was aware of my stages. Around nine or so the contractions were coming strong and if I remember correctly Kellie made the comment that I would not be one of the 5% of people who actually give birth on their due date, to which replied I BETTER BE! I was thinking she Was saying would still be in labor in 24 hrs...she reminded me it was only nine or so and asked if I wanted the baby before midnight :) the contractions were coming close and strong and I hear Kellies soft voice telling me to vision the baby moving down and to slow my breathing and to welcome the break. Amazingly enough during the transition phase I got a manageable break in-between contractions that I never did with Kendal and Alexis. at about 9:30 or so I started pushing with the contractions and I told Kellie that I was pushing with the contraction, to which she replied, I know, I'm not missing a beat. Next couple of ctx my water broke.

Such a relief of pressure and a sign the end is near. I then started really pushing with progress. After a couple of good pushes Kellie asked me if I wanted to feel him, I first said no, but then decided to. There was a rush of emotion and new energy to get him out and in my arms. With Craig's hands in mine and him cheering me on with each push Quin was born in the water at 10:01 and placed in my arms. I was on top of the world. I accomplished my goal! After I held Quin for a while I was helped out of birth tub and into bed. I nursed Quin till he was done, about two hrs and he and I were checked out. He weighed in at 8 lbs and 1 oz and 19.25 long. We were then put into a candlelit herbal was wonderful. Quin didn't care for it as much as momma,but he nursed so his body could soak up some herbs. I was then helped into bed and treated to a leg and foot message, it was so relaxing I could hardly concentrate on the instructions Kellie was giving to us, good thing Craig was! We then crawled into bed for what was left of the night. The girls met their baby brother in the morning and were so happy. It was a wonderful experience.

Original Publish Date: October 22, 2011

Blog Posted: Oct 22, 2011
Posted by: Kellie Moeller, CNM
HomeBirth Experience Inc.
(281) 309-8030

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2011 Quin Anthony Moody